Monday, November 22, 2010
Bicentennial Piñera
In the last time we have all seen like Chile has become a country full of surprises and cool people. In the TV speaking of "brotherhood", "patriotism", even "heroes"(specially "heroes"), but what's going on behind this show?
what's up with the people? I know, I haven´t the truly answer, but I have a intuition... and in this bicentennial year something smell bad, very bad.
Ok. In first place, Mr. President Piñera (better known as "Piraña") I don´t know how begin write about him... really. I mean, WHAT´S WRONG WITH HIM? everything in him is extremely stupid. At the first is funny, very funny, but then is shamful. I mean, is the president, he should not be a clown! At first of his mandate, when the earthquake hit the country, his speeches about the "Tusunami" and the "marepotos" were truly amazing. Then when he said that Robinson Crusoe was a real man, and that Nicanor Parra is dead!
After all these stupid things he did... MORE STUPID THINGS! In germany he wrote a nazi sentence! I know, I'm forgetting a lot of stupid things (like his brother "El Negro Piñera" and his songs about Gustavo Ceratti, Edith Piaf, Marcelo Bielsa and of course, the miners) but these things help to know what kind of president we have, and worse yet... the kind of president that the people chose, even more when the president in question as know for his and contradictions, lies and monopoly companies. I mean, Chilevision? LAN? everyone knew and still voted for him. That's called hypocrisy.
I'm not a political person, I mean, I not belong to any political tendence, but I´m not a stupid, I know about the media lies and the crowd control. And these president and his cabinet also know. I mean, all these bullshit about the miners and heroes, and the earthquake, and the world cup, and the exaggerated patriotism, and alls this thins are only political maneuvers to fool people.
I mean, do you know the new politicals about edutation? is one of the most stupid things all the time. Privatization and monopoly. That's all.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I don't remember very well what book I read first. I guess some book of the school, like Principito or Papelucho. I remember very well that the first book that I like it was a dinosaurs book, full of illustrations. I spend many hours seeing those pictures. After that I remember the poetry of Pablo Neruda, because my parents liked. Then I remember some good books like Dracula by Bram Stoker, La granja de los animales by George Orwell, Hamlet and Macbeth by Shakespeare, and things like that.
All clasic books. Some of these book really liked, but nothing beyond. Later I discover the poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik, Sarah Kane, Oliverio Girondo, William Blake, Pablo de Rokha, Rimbaud, Heiner Muller, and I was really facinated with them. In these days I read a book called "La Edad de Hierro", from J.M.Coetzee and I was very impressed, I never read something like that. From these moment I had a real connection with literature and begin my obsession with books. I started reading all the literature of Coetzee; "Infancia", "Juventud", "Desgracia", "Esperando a los Barbaros", "En Medio de Ninguna Parte", "K", "Elizabeth Costello", etc. All great books. But, one day, I knew the best of all, Charles Bukowski. Long ago I hear things from him, and get to read a couple of novels, but nothing very interesting until I read his poetry. That day something change. His writing without rhetoric and directly to the bone blew my brain out. After that I read almost all his books, poetry and novels, and I can say with certainty that it is the best ever, but I know; he is not for everyone. He is a drunk, pervert and evil man. At least that's his mask, but in the background he was one of the noblest men. Anyway, my favourite books are "The love is adog from hell", "Adelante" "Escrutaba la locura en busca de la palabra, el verso, la ruta", "El Capitan salio a comer y los marineros se tomaron el barco", "The Fuck Machine", "Factotum", "Womans", and many more.(As there are some bad, like "Musica de Cañerias")
In the last time I read more clasic authors like Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Dos Pasos, John Fante, Thomas Wolfe, Jack Kerouac, etc. Books like "Al otro lado del Rio", "El Santuario", "Preguntale al Polvo", "Retrato de un Artista Adolecente", "Paris era una Fiesta", etc. Some of they great books, and others very boring. I think that Faulkner is more my style.
Anyway, There is another great range of books that I really love and I collect with passion, the American and European graphic novels. Authors like Robert Crumb, Edmond Baudoin, Jason, Chris Ware, Craig Thompsom, Tanit, Harvey Pekar, Johnny Ryan, etc. All great writers and genious. I don`t know, but in the last time the literature fills me more than the movies. And that is dangerous!
PD; I think that I forget many books and authors that I really liked, like Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh, The last temptation by Nikos Kazantzakis, one of my current favorites; Andres Caicedo and his book "¡Viva la musica!"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ok, I will try to answer the questions, but sincerely, I don't know much about this topic. I love the world and the animals, but, constantly I contribute to its destruction. I eat meat and I burn the forest... No, the last is a joke. I try to help every day, but in this city it's very hard to protect the environment.
Ok, after this horrible introducction, here we go.
- Where do people learn about enviromentally friendly practices?
I don't know, I guess Internet? in the television? I think that in the family practice can learn about the respect and importance of the environment (that was very moralistic and catholic!)
- Have you incorported recycling into your habits? Describe
The only thing that I've done about recycling is a puppet called "Juan Botella", of a street theatre and he is made of trash and plastic bottles. With this puppet we tried to teach how to care about the environment and the importance of recycling. (
- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?
Rarely I use a bike. I'm pretty lazy and I prefer to go by car (if I have gas)
- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?
The answer is no. why? I don't know, I guess I am very nihilistic and negative and I don't belive in any organization.
- What else have you done /would you like to do?
I don't know. I guess make a garden, plant a tree, I dont know. Maybe eat more vegetables and less meat. Use less water and chemical products. Thats maybe can be a beginning.
- What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?
I must admit my ignorance... I don't know anything about this.
- What's missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?
uff... everything. In this city there is no education about this topic.The streets are always dirty and the air is so bad, full of smog. I don't know what to do. Maybe more restrictions about the selling of cars and industry, etc. But, specially more education about this theme in the schools and the cultural projects.
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