Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok, I will try to answer the questions, but sincerely, I don't know much about this topic. I love the world and the animals, but, constantly I contribute to its destruction. I eat meat and I burn the forest... No, the last is a joke. I try to help every day, but in this city it's very hard to protect the environment.

Ok, after this horrible introducction, here we go.

- Where do people learn about enviromentally friendly practices?

I don't know, I guess Internet? in the television? I think that in the family practice can learn about the respect and importance of the environment (that was very moralistic and catholic!)

- Have you incorported recycling into your habits? Describe

The only thing that I've done about recycling is a puppet called "Juan Botella", of a street theatre and he is made of trash and plastic bottles. With this puppet we tried to teach how to care about the environment and the importance of recycling. (

- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?

Rarely I use a bike. I'm pretty lazy and I prefer to go by car (if I have gas)

- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?

The answer is no. why? I don't know, I guess I am very nihilistic and negative and I don't belive in any organization.

- What else have you done /would you like to do?

I don't know. I guess make a garden, plant a tree, I dont know. Maybe eat more vegetables and less meat. Use less water and chemical products. Thats maybe can be a beginning.

- What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?

I must admit my ignorance... I don't know anything about this.

- What's missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?

uff... everything. In this city there is no education about this topic.The streets are always dirty and the air is so bad, full of smog. I don't know what to do. Maybe more restrictions about the selling of cars and industry, etc. But, specially more education about this theme in the schools and the cultural projects.