Monday, November 22, 2010

Bicentennial Piñera

In the last time we have all seen like Chile has become a country full of surprises and cool people. In the TV speaking of "brotherhood", "patriotism", even "heroes"(specially "heroes"), but what's going on behind this show?
what's up with the people? I know, I haven´t the truly answer, but I have a intuition... and in this bicentennial year something smell bad, very bad.

Ok. In first place, Mr. President Piñera (better known as "Piraña") I don´t know how begin write about him... really. I mean, WHAT´S WRONG WITH HIM? everything in him is extremely stupid. At the first is funny, very funny, but then is shamful. I mean, is the president, he should not be a clown! At first of his mandate, when the earthquake hit the country, his speeches about the "Tusunami" and the "marepotos" were truly amazing. Then when he said that Robinson Crusoe was a real man, and that Nicanor Parra is dead!
After all these stupid things he did... MORE STUPID THINGS! In germany he wrote a nazi sentence! I know, I'm forgetting a lot of stupid things (like his brother "El Negro Piñera" and his songs about Gustavo Ceratti, Edith Piaf, Marcelo Bielsa and of course, the miners) but these things help to know what kind of president we have, and worse yet... the kind of president that the people chose, even more when the president in question as know for his and contradictions, lies and monopoly companies. I mean, Chilevision? LAN? everyone knew and still voted for him. That's called hypocrisy.

I'm not a political person, I mean, I not belong to any political tendence, but I´m not a stupid, I know about the media lies and the crowd control. And these president and his cabinet also know. I mean, all these bullshit about the miners and heroes, and the earthquake, and the world cup, and the exaggerated patriotism, and alls this thins are only political maneuvers to fool people.

I mean, do you know the new politicals about edutation? is one of the most stupid things all the time. Privatization and monopoly. That's all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I don't remember very well what book I read first. I guess some book of the school, like Principito or Papelucho. I remember very well that the first book that I like it was a dinosaurs book, full of illustrations. I spend many hours seeing those pictures. After that I remember the poetry of Pablo Neruda, because my parents liked. Then I remember some good books like Dracula by Bram Stoker, La granja de los animales by George Orwell, Hamlet and Macbeth by Shakespeare, and things like that.
All clasic books. Some of these book really liked, but nothing beyond. Later I discover the poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik, Sarah Kane, Oliverio Girondo, William Blake, Pablo de Rokha, Rimbaud, Heiner Muller, and I was really facinated with them. In these days I read a book called "La Edad de Hierro", from J.M.Coetzee and I was very impressed, I never read something like that. From these moment I had a real connection with literature and begin my obsession with books. I started reading all the literature of Coetzee; "Infancia", "Juventud", "Desgracia", "Esperando a los Barbaros", "En Medio de Ninguna Parte", "K", "Elizabeth Costello", etc. All great books. But, one day, I knew the best of all, Charles Bukowski. Long ago I hear things from him, and get to read a couple of novels, but nothing very interesting until I read his poetry. That day something change. His writing without rhetoric and directly to the bone blew my brain out. After that I read almost all his books, poetry and novels, and I can say with certainty that it is the best ever, but I know; he is not for everyone. He is a drunk, pervert and evil man. At least that's his mask, but in the background he was one of the noblest men. Anyway, my favourite books are "The love is adog from hell", "Adelante" "Escrutaba la locura en busca de la palabra, el verso, la ruta", "El Capitan salio a comer y los marineros se tomaron el barco", "The Fuck Machine", "Factotum", "Womans", and many more.(As there are some bad, like "Musica de Cañerias")

In the last time I read more clasic authors like Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Dos Pasos, John Fante, Thomas Wolfe, Jack Kerouac, etc. Books like "Al otro lado del Rio", "El Santuario", "Preguntale al Polvo", "Retrato de un Artista Adolecente", "Paris era una Fiesta", etc. Some of they great books, and others very boring. I think that Faulkner is more my style.

Anyway, There is another great range of books that I really love and I collect with passion, the American and European graphic novels. Authors like Robert Crumb, Edmond Baudoin, Jason, Chris Ware, Craig Thompsom, Tanit, Harvey Pekar, Johnny Ryan, etc. All great writers and genious. I don`t know, but in the last time the literature fills me more than the movies. And that is dangerous!

PD; I think that I forget many books and authors that I really liked, like Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh, The last temptation by Nikos Kazantzakis, one of my current favorites; Andres Caicedo and his book "¡Viva la musica!"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok, I will try to answer the questions, but sincerely, I don't know much about this topic. I love the world and the animals, but, constantly I contribute to its destruction. I eat meat and I burn the forest... No, the last is a joke. I try to help every day, but in this city it's very hard to protect the environment.

Ok, after this horrible introducction, here we go.

- Where do people learn about enviromentally friendly practices?

I don't know, I guess Internet? in the television? I think that in the family practice can learn about the respect and importance of the environment (that was very moralistic and catholic!)

- Have you incorported recycling into your habits? Describe

The only thing that I've done about recycling is a puppet called "Juan Botella", of a street theatre and he is made of trash and plastic bottles. With this puppet we tried to teach how to care about the environment and the importance of recycling. (

- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?

Rarely I use a bike. I'm pretty lazy and I prefer to go by car (if I have gas)

- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?

The answer is no. why? I don't know, I guess I am very nihilistic and negative and I don't belive in any organization.

- What else have you done /would you like to do?

I don't know. I guess make a garden, plant a tree, I dont know. Maybe eat more vegetables and less meat. Use less water and chemical products. Thats maybe can be a beginning.

- What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?

I must admit my ignorance... I don't know anything about this.

- What's missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?

uff... everything. In this city there is no education about this topic.The streets are always dirty and the air is so bad, full of smog. I don't know what to do. Maybe more restrictions about the selling of cars and industry, etc. But, specially more education about this theme in the schools and the cultural projects.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Some Movies in Valdivia (Comfy In Nautica)

It's really difficult to talk about a movie in particular, because recently I was at a film festival in Valdivia, and saw a lot of movies ... (Nah! lie, I saw only a few, but some very good) (although the best movies were "really" what happened off screen) Anyway, I enjoyed some movies such as the Pivellina, Tilva Ros. The Doors documentary and The Illusionist. All very different in terms of stories and narrative forms.

If I had to choose one, I think I would stay with Tilva Ros, a Serbian film about a group of skaters who lived destroyed. The movie had a wonderful visual, full of great and good picture frames. The characters seemed real enough(in fact, later discovered that the movie was made based on actual videos they made themselves) The story was very simple, not at all complex, without any artifice, clearly portraying the difficult moments of adolescence, such as boredom and self-destruction. But one of the greatest successes of the film was its music department, really delicious and well chosen. A good mix of independent bands like Panda Bear, Beast Coast, Privacy, etc. In fact, (*spoiler) the end of the movie with the song "Comfy in Nautica" by Panda Bear (Noah Lenox of Animal Collective) was really amazing. The best cineamtic moment of the festival. I just love it.

Werner Herzog Legend

Raw and realistic it be the last film by director Werner Herzog. Real animals dead and no special effects are some of the novelty in the new film by the german filmmaker.

Werner Herzog personally photographed scenes of the movie which was shot in New Orleans.

Werner Herzog is known for his cruelty when filming animals, like the famous last scene in Aguirre; Wrath Of God, when Klaus Kinski, throws a monkey like a banana skin.
Although this may seem a bad thing, Werner Herzog takes his favor, portraying the cruelty of human nature and that is one reason why it is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.

Some years ago it was unthinkable to see a European director to make a funny movie in America without sacrificing their principles, and Werner Herzog has made, making a realistic and ironic portrait of the American dream, like one of his most famous movies, Stroszek.

Unlike filmmakers like Scorsese, the films by Werner Herzog seems more spontaneous and new, each of its projects a battle with unpredictable results.

Werner Herzog made its greatest movies in the seventies, but in recent years his documentary and now his movies have become a legend renacla one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.

Original Article:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lucky LuchO

I've never been addicted to TV programs, although I've seen a few, especially when I was child. Somehow, the TV was much more important as a child. It then goes into the background, especially when you grab a taste for film (I should also say women, parties and games, all those things you do when you start to mature) Anyway, if I remember some series. I remember being amazed at X-Files, especially the early seasons and the entire issue of UFOs, and further, with the sexy Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). Another series I remember was called "The Edge", here translated as "Al Borde de la Risa" and was a kind of mindless sitcom full of jokes and black humor. Some time went by Bill Plymtom drawings, and had a section where they asked about that they would be making celebrities like Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson (Elvis was always on Mars, danced for the Martians and Jackson was getting rhinoplasty)

In recent years I have seen a proliferation of TV series, and I tried to see some, but I was always bored. In any way interesting things I've seen on shows such as "How Not to Live Your Life" (quite funny), "QMDV" (very creative) and of course, “Big Bang Theory” and things like that. BUT, there is a serie that I really like it, is called "Lucky Louie" from my favorite comedian Louis CK. The series is based basically in his stand up comedy, and his jokes quite strong. The series has a season of 13 chapters and was taken off the air. ("Censored?) Basically, the series is a classic sitcom about a couple, a nurse and her husband, Louie, a fat loser. The series plays a variety of topics such as work, masturbation, lying, madness, children, religion, money, etc. as usual, but from a nihilistic perspective. The secondary characters are really good, especially the crazy uncle, the beautiful and evil daughter, the black neighbors, the friend dealer that sell drugs to kids, etc.

anyway, the series reminds me of a poem by Bukowski where he was asked about what kind of TV series could be good and he replied: "I would like a series where the protagonist was a guy who works all day in a factory, who cannot afford the money for nothing, which has a wife waiting at home shit, cooking a meal of shit.” Anyway, the series is not as black as that, but its close, from a delicious humor and good performances. As in the poem and on TV, Bukowski and CK were not heard. People do not want this series. People want beautiful people with beautiful stories!
That's it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Conan Future Boy

The first time I saw Conan Future Boy, I should have been about five years. I remember that were on channel five, UCVtv, when Channel five was the best in animated programming. Today, remembering, I think in some ways this mini cartoon influenced my way of seeing the world, or at least part of it. I know it sounds exaggerated, but is true. The cartoons are no big deal, but some elements are very well developed, especially with regard to story, to the mystical, the apocalyptic world, etc. Then there are the characters, full of life, values such as courage and friendship, loyalty, even love.
The story tells about Conan, a child living with his grandfather on an island in the middle of the ocean, and they are the last survivors of a great catastrophe that hit the earth.
Conan one day realize they are not alone, and meets Lana, a beautiful girl who is pursued by some guys. from then on Conan will never be the same and leave the island to find the girl. on his adventure will know different people like Jimsy, Captain Dyce, etc. all great characters.
a curious fact is that the series is not well known, despite being directed by anime master Hayao Miyazaki in the late seventies. The character designs are also by him, and are great.
For some years, finally came out on DVD and I could see it again. I can only say it was all I remembered, and more. For me, Conan Future Boy is not just a mini cartoon series. Its my favorite animated movie of all time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Old Boy

In Valdidia, the Calle Calle city, there is a place called "La Ultima Frontera" a few steps of the river calle calle. The place is a big old house, with the aesthetics of the tipical south houses: wooden houses, lots of windows, tiles, etc. Is a beautifull place in front a church. I go with my friends every time we travel to the city. The first time that I went, in the 2006, a old friend told me; "do you want eat the best sandwich in the world?" And we went to the place. A few minutes later I understood what he meant. He recommended me "The Old Boy"(yes, like the movie!) and then I asked the famous sandwich. The Old Boy contained meat, bacon, tomato and malted cheese... and I must say... extremely good!!! really one of the best sandwich ever! When you eat one of them, you become addicted immediately.
Anyway, the sandwich is not everything (or yes?). In that places you can drink beers and listen good music with company. One time a teacher of our university buy form us many beers and tables, and we ended up very drunk. That teacher was the best! (Unfortunately for us the teacher disappeared mysteriously)

Anyway, in a few weeks more I will come back to Valdivia for the cinema festival and I return to eat one of those wonderful Old Boys!

Monday, August 30, 2010


In the 2006 I was in Paris by a estrange journey. I didn’t know much about the city or even France, but I love the place. The energy of the streets, the love for the cinema, the old theatres, the Barrio Latino, the sex museum, the Louvre museum, the Moulin Rouge, etc. Everything thing with its particular detail. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. Julio Cortázar explained very well, when he talked about the city of lights, he said that the streets were very inspiring and when he walked around the Sena river he received a lot of inspiration to write his poems. Anyway, Paris is the city of the greatest writers, musicians and filmmakers, like Rimbaud, Edith Piaff, Jean Luc Goddard, Louis Malle, Agnes Varda, Jean Pierre Melville, Paul Verlaine, and the city where great writers decided to live like Ernest Hemingway, Alejandra Pizarnik, Oscar Wilde or actors like Klaus Kinski, or musicians like Nina Simone or Jarvis Cocker. Anyway, France is a perfect place for the artist because the French people always want new waves of art. In the streets and the subways there are always very good artists and they got great festivals like the Rock in Sena, with many good bands. Other great characteristic of the city are its food and bars, with good coffee shops everywhere. The only inconvenient are the prices, all they are very expensive. On the other side, the streets have a strange mixture between graffitis and old classic styles with gorgeous sculptures.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The last first Term

Ok. Here we go again. Back to the blog with new words. Or so I hope. Anyway, start here.

The last term was really cool in many ways, I don't remember very well that, but compared to this term (this "awful" and slowly term) the last term was fantastic!
Anyway, I remember that I played soccer with my soccer team "Shaolin Soccer" (or "Shaolin Suckers", as the girls call us) and we won two matches, and we lost six. Belive it or not, that was our best result in years. Anyway, I scored twenty seven goals!, my best performance like scorer. I remember the best macth, against our enemys, Caparazon Rebolledo. That afternoon the sky began to rain, like in the epic movies. Caparazon star winning for five to zero. But in the second time we go back to the attack, and we pass up for eight to seven... when the game almost finished, Caparazon won the match. That was crap, but we played better than never.

On the other side, in the last term I read many books, like some of Charles Bukowski, John Fante, Jason, Johnny Ryan, Hernest Hemingway, Andres Caicedo, Woody Allen, Robert Crumb, Patti Smith, etc.

The things with my "girlfriend?" were better, and we traveled together to the Torres del Paine, and that was cool.

Anyway, the first term was very strange, with the earthquake, the world cup, some short movies, some hardcore parties, some drunknnes, etc.

This last term sucks, but the concerts coming, Pixies and Rage Against the Machine are the hope.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The End

Like the movies, the class ends. And the cycle is over. This is sad... like every godbye... (ok. this is the worst beginning ever!) Anyway, the blog experience was great and I enjoy it. Write about anything was funny, and in some way, I think that I learned some more about this language. Anyway, write about things like music or videogames was a good way of see our thoughts and share our tastes. I think that the blog helped us to put into practice the written language and make it more funny, when it could have been much more boring, like in the classic way.

Besides, I will never forget my first pathetic dissertation of bullshit! XD, talking about nothing (when the teacher asked me: the dissertation is about... you? And I answered: No... (five minutes silence)... Yes. And her face of disappointment... But the teacher gave me another chance, and I remade the dissertation, talking about one of my favourites musicians, Mike Patton. Thats was much better than the last time, because now I really studied! Seconds chances are great! And the teacher is an angel of teh heaven! (Ok, I'm being exaggerated) But seriously, the teacher was a very good teacher and I love the music at the end of the class, specially when she put a Pixies song. Thats was cool. = )

Anyway the experience of blog was great in every way. I really miss the class and the teacher... but not that much neither because: I hate this end of semester! I have a lot of test and of course, I have a life and a girlfriend to maintain!

Anyway, at the end of the class just have to say good bye!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My history with video games

Since I was a child the video games have been something wonderfull to me.
Around them I met with my friends and cousins, spending entire afternoons trying to finish a game. I remember the first time I played a video game was a ATARi, when I played Pele Soccer, or something like that in the home of a cousin. It was really fun.After, in the home of a friend I played one of the most important videogames of the history called Mario Bros. That game changed everything we knew about videogames. His creator, Shigeru Miyamoto would become one of our biggest idols. Even more when he created his next videogame called Zelda. This videogame change our lives forever (that sound epic! But is true)(yes, Im nerd) My first video console was a Nintendo, and with it I had many good times in my childhood. After that would come the Super nintendo, a very good video console, with many good games like International “Super Star Soccer Deluxe”, “Donkey Kong”, “Mortal Kombat 2” and obviously, one of the best Zelda games ever; “The Legend of Zelda a Link to the past”. My next video console was a Sega Saturn, a strange and unknown videoconsole with many good games like “Panzer Dragoon” “Virtua Fighter” “Daytona Usa” “Sega Rally” and “Tomb Raider”. All they very creative games, but Sega came in decline by the success of the Playstation, my next video console. Anyway, with the videogames I learned about economy because I had to sell, and trade the video console and make miracles to make the money (I was just a nerd child) The playstation was also a very good video console, with good games like “Teken” “Resident Evil” “Wining Eleven”, etc. Many good games to continue alter in Playstation 2. Others goods video consoles were the Dreamcast (the last console of Sega) and the Gamecube of Nintendo, but one of the most important of all times, and my personal favourite was the Nintendo 64. This videoconsole gave birth to the most perfect game made ever; “The Legend Of Zelda; Ocarina of Time”. I just say that this game was a shock for everyone, because all sections were great: the graphics, the music, the story, the gameplay, etc. Everything was perfect. Today I have a Xbox 360, a very good video console, with great games like “Alan Wake”, “GTA4”, “Call of Duty”, “Bioshock”, etc. All with superb graphics and and advanced Technologies, but none of them has the mystique or greatness of the “Zelda; Ocarina of Times”.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This picture was taken in Paris, in August of 2006. This image was taken under the Eiffel Tower, at my first day in france. This image is particulary extrange to me, because that travel was very strange. For causes of the destiny, for one day to another, I was in Paris, almost completly alone, whitout know the language, (whit luck I know some of english)and the most of the time in the street, knowing the city, thinking about my life and the future. In that time, I was writing a lot of tales and storys, and Paris was a great experience. The reason of the travel was work (take a pictures and stuff like that), but the reality was that I was in the street, the parks, coffes and the subway all day long. I remember that I was writing and drawing and listening music in the music store big part of the day. Paris was a strange experience, because almost all the time I was alone, but the lonelyness it wasn't sad, but inspirational, and greatest. I remember the movies that I saw in the cinemeas of the Barrio Latino, the theatre of Eugene Ionesco (La Cantatrice Chauve), The Museum of Louvre, the Moulan Rouge, the walks on the part and I fell a good sensations with the good memories of the city. Anyway, somedays I had the company of a copuple of friends and we use to go for drinks some beers and other stuff with the people of hotel. With this picture I got a lot of memories, but not all of thems can be told, because the most important is always save it in the memory. Anyway, Paris is a great place, one of my favourite citys, and I hope come back again someday.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Some of the Best Concerts in my life

In the last years, something amazing happened. All the bands that I Liked start to coming to Chile. I remember a few years ago nobody came to this country,even more the best bands. I remember when Blur came to Argentina and not to Chile (I was very angry) but thats is the past. In the two last years many bands started coming to make a concert and finally, I can see the best concerts in my life. Some of these concerts were The Chemicals Brothers (two Times!), Korn (two times to!), Slipknot, Violadores del Verso (two times!)Guru of Jazz Mataz, SFDK, Animal Collective (one of most intimate and best concerts), Jarvis Cocker (Jarvis was the best, even more when he sing in the hotel for the fans), Cat Power(one of the most beautifull womans in the earth) Aime Mann (yes, the girl behind Magnolia Soundtrack, in the Teleton theater), Mike Patton with Zu (a italian band of experimental metal) the first time that I saw the master Patton, and recently, Faith No More, two times, in the Caupolican theatre (the best concert ever) and the Bicenetenario stadium. If I had to choose the best, I think it would be Violadores del Verso in 2006. Reasons? they came to Chile with a great disc under arm, "Vivir para contarlo", and Kase.O, one of the MCs (in my opinion, the best Mcs and writer of the world) in one of the best part of the concert said; "que se muera el hijo de puta Pinochet!" and the next day, in the morning of a sunday, Augusto Pinochet died... that was a wonderfull coincidence! the magical power of his words! Anyway. I think that concert, and the three concerts of Mike Patton, are the best concert ever. Reasons for include Mike Patton (with Faith no more and Zu)? All reasons. The best vocalist, the best singer, the best scene, the best interpretation, all. In one moment of the concert in the Caupolican theatre (called "la gala") Mike Patton look at to me (Im in front of him, in one or two meters) and he asked me; "whats is the name of the band? Faith No More?
or Frei No More?" en this moment started "Last Cup Of Sorrow", one of the best songs ever. For otrher way, I think that Cat Power and Aimee Mann also were good, with a mistic and intimate concerts, I remember that Aimee Mann dedicate a song to Paul Thomas Anderson (my favourite director) and she was funny and talkative all the time. For other side, Cat Power with his voice made to love her, even more when she gave me a rose (that sound gay! ajajaja) Anyway, these were some of the best concerts of my life and I know that I forget some importants like El Otro Yo, Rekiem, Placebo (the first time), Radiohead (two times) but I think that concerts got something special that conect with you, I dont know how explain that, but so is.

PD:I Knew that forget some importants!!! One of the best concerts was The Strokes in the Victor Jara stadium, in 2005 with Kings of Leon and The White Stripes in the same year! That was amazing!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Serious Man

My favourite teacher, in this moment, is Juan Pablo Arancibia. Teacher of "Epistemología de la comunicación". I dont know much about him, but his class is very important to me for one reason; he makes me think in the real meaning of my life, and the different philosophies to confront the world. It is simple, his class is full of knowledge and quotes of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kant, Foucault, Wittgenstein, etc. Great thinkers that changed the way of seeing the world. He never calls the row and the most important to him is the debate and the questions. He wants to disrtub us and deconstruct our minds and the ways how we think. His class is the only class in this university that makes us wonder about the meaning of everything. I know, he should be a sad person, nihilistic person, but he is not like that. He is a beautifull person, full of wisdom and poetry, and the same as Nietzsche he seems missunderstod.
A big part of the class doesnt seem to understand the real meaning of his words, but for two or three students those words make the different. Anyway, Arancibia is a serious man, but sometimes he could be very funny, even more when he laughs about the politics and the television.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My stoled Ipod

The music is one of the most important things in my life. Since my chilhood, I have always heard diferent kinds of music, because my parents listened to a lot of music, form clasic songs to the rock music. Anyway, the music was always important to me.
When I was fifteen years, I bought my first cd, a Mr.Bungle album called "Disco Volante". When the time passed by, I bougth new albums from differents bands like Blur, Faith No More, Pulp, Aimee Mann, etc. I remember I bought a Disckman, and it was the coolest thing ever. When I was twenty two years old, I won an Ipod in a video contest. At the beginnig I thought that it was an exotic device, but then... the Ipod turned into one of the most essential things to break the rutinary life. I know that it sounds sad, even idiot, but it is true. With the Ipod I listened to big part of my personal soundtrack every day, every week. Every song that was played, was important to me. Never before I thought about that, but when a thief stole my Ipod, I noticed how important it was... Even more when the Ipod contained great part of my music, even personal music, music composed by me, my friends, etc. Anyway, that thief got now a great musical selection. I hope that he could appreciate the music. (I was lying! I hope he dies!)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mike Patton

It was in 97 when I enter a song in my ears: “Ashes to Ashes” by Faith No More. At the same time I heard a radio program that night was called “La Galería Nocturna” , with Rolando Ramos. I remember starting to listen to music more seriously, trying to learn more about music. In those days there was no Internet or YouTube or Wikipedia, and radio was virtually the only means of concerted new music. At that time a new band came into my ears: Mr. Bungle. I remember, I set aside some money to buy a disc of them. I remember going with a friend and listen to the album all afternoon, finding details, understanding the lyrics, etc.. Good times. Faith No More was still getting in my ears and began to learn more about them. I take a big surprise when I learned that Mike Patton, Faith No More vocalist, sing in Mr.Bungle (on record on behalf of the singer appeared as Vlac Drac) Since then I began to search all your music, and had a lot to find . Around the same time Faith No More was separated and deprived the world of music, a great loss.

Since then I feel that my ear was becoming more demanding and at the same time, more eclectic. Mike Patton had and has, in my opinion the most versatile and beautiful voice of the music today, and on nearly all possible styles. Since moving to the harder rock metal, hip hop, opera, and lately the classic popular song. Would be born in 1999 another of his big band, Fantomas and a record I'd blow my brains: “Amenaza al Mundo”. An experimental album with samples of films and no lyrics, just shouting and devilish rhythms.
Then there were more bands: Tomahawk, Peeping Tom, Lovage, etc. Mike Patton was always involved in new things, exploring unknown territory. So years passed and I continued to grow, listening to new music, new rhythms, new scenes. I opened my ear much more towards the folk music, hip hop music, indie music, but Mike Patton continued as my mainstay on the music.

The year 2009 for the first time I saw him with one of his new projects, Zu, an experimental metal band from Italy. It was a magnificent concert. But even if samples Some scenes from Alejandro Jodorowsky. For the first time I saw one of the most important character of my life. And it would not be the first.
Before separating, Faith no more reach to give two concerts in Chile in the years 91 and 95. In those days, I was too small to have gone to see them. And it was a shame for all my generation, children of Faith No More. But last year God hear our prayers and a miracle occurred (¡what irony!) And Faith No More was reconvened, making two memorable concerts in Chile.
Strange things happen all the time, and in just one year, I saw Mike Patton 3 times. I could never have guessed.

Mike Patton is currently touring Europe with his new project, Mondo Cane, accompanied by a symphony and performing covers of Italian ballads of the '60s. a true delight!


Paul Thomas Anderson

I clearly remember the first time I saw a film by Paul Thomas Anderson. I remember it was a winter day, around 3:00 a.m.. Just finished watching “A Clockwork Orange” of Stanley Kubrick, and I was really amazed. When I turn off the TV I see beginning Magnolia. I had seen the trailer and I had noticed. So I prepared to give it some time. After seeing the best 10 minutes initials of the story I was impressed. Here was something that had never seen in any other movie, a greater connection. The pace of the film, the questions posed, action, music, mystery. Everything was interconnected in something bigger than a movie. I was puzzled and did not know what to think. Towards the end of the film (spoiler) the unthinkable happened and frogs fell from the sky in climate over time. "Strange things happen all the time ..."
Read a proverb in the movie. And he was right. At that time of my life were many coincidences going on and had no explanation to them. The film did not answer anything clearly, but if it helps me to share my experiences and assimilate.
So strong was the blow of the movie in my I think that somehow, my life turned its way to the art ever since. Time after time my girlfriend gave me the soundtrack, played by Aimee Mann exclusively, American singer which then made me a fan. Later I discovered that in fact Paul Thomas Anderson had written the movie while listening to a song for her.

Three or four years later, went to the cinema to see his next movie called “Punch Drunk Love”, translated here as “Embriagado de Amor” with Adam Sandler (one of the worst actors in history) and Emily Watson (one of the best actresses of all times).The criticism was unfavorable and had understood that once had foreign materials in the film. I remember arriving at the mall with my Art movie Veil (same disc aimee mann) and we were alone in the cinema practimaente. It was winter and it was very cold, the room was empty and a cinema operator brought a stove. I can only say the film was and has been the most magnificent experience I've ever had in a cinema. “Punch Drunk Love” is simply my favorite movie of all time. Filled with metaphorical elements, a musical rhythm as beautiful as emotional and fragile characters faced with the hostility of the people in the world. The direction is magnificent. Could talk for hours and hours of the movie, but just say one more thing: it is a perfect movie.

My third and last experience with the films of Paul Thomas Anderson occurred two years ago with the premiere of “There Will Be Blood”. They spent five years since Punch Drunk Love and could not wait to see the new movie from the master. I remember the week it premiered I was to go on a trip to Argentina, so I would lose the premiere. This week I went to the movies with my now ex-girlfriend (yes, the same “Punch” and disk Aimee Mann) to see a movie of the Coen brothers, “No Country for old man”. After seeing the movie I leave the cinema and see a huge tail. Upon seeing the poster for the film, is surprised. Pre premiere of “There Will Be Blood”. I told my ex, as you enter. I thought even buy the ticket to someone at any price. Suddenly, I get a driver of a film program; I approached him and gave me a double entry. We got first in line and the rest is history. Coincidences were repeated, now with the same Paul Thomas Anderson. The movie like all his previous work (Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Hard Heights) was a marvel, of course now returning to more classic roots of cinema.

That's part of my history with Paul Thomas, although there are some things to me. One of them, I could see Aimee Mann live last year in the Teleton theater and was a concert incredible, and he even dedicated issues to his friend Paul Thomas and singing much of the soundtrack of the movie. Just love her.

So for now, see Punch Drunk Love!

Regards, LuchO

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Charles Bukowski

The first time that I saw his writings was in a library. I remember that I took a book by chance, and I opened it in any page. That page changed my life forever. It was about the last poems of a writer called Charles Bukowski, an old drunk poet that acquired fame in the last years of his life.
Bukowski, was born in Germany, but spent the most of his life in north america, specifically in Los Angeles, USA. His father was a strict man, and most of the time he beat him. So Charles began to write and drink from an early age, unleashing his rage on paper. With the passing of time, Bukowski turned his life into alcohol, the whores and the street, neglecting his writings and dedicated to little part time jobs. When he was fourty years old, he started to work in the USA post office. He spent ten years without writing. His life continued normally until an editor discovered him, when Bukowski was fifty years old. Since then Charles Bukowski began to write many books, between poetry and novels. One of his most famous writings are "Women", "Post Office", "Notes of a Dirty Old Man", "Love is a Dog form Hell", etc.

Anyway, Charles Bukowski changed my life and I think that to read him, you must see the life with poetry and obiously, be an alcoholic too.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stranger Earthquake on the Road

When I remember that nigth, evereything seems surealistic to me. That nigth, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and my little sister. The movie was called "The Road", it was about the end of the world, when a father tries to survive disaster with his children. I rememember that we were very exited with the film, even more with the escene of the eartquake. Out of the blue the real earthquake began. In two seconds everything fell down. The house was moving form one side to the other. We were very shocked, even more with the strange coincidence of the earthquake of the film and the real life. When the earthquake was alredy finished, everyone were safe and the house had resisted very well. I remember that my little sister came to me and said: "¿¿¿what about this movie??? ¡¡The effects were so real!! Everyone laughed nerviously, but I was thinking about the strange coincidence. The movie isn`t the best film in the world, but I will remember it for the rest of my life.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello, my name is Luis Alejandro. I´m 25 years old, and i study cinema in the universidad de chile. I really like the films of Paul Thomas Anderson and Werner Herzog, i think that these movies are very cool and strongs. On the other side, i really like to read books of Charles Bukowski, specially his poetry.

I think that writing in this blog is very funny, and my objectives are have a really good time writing in english.

To begin, a video!